The Federal Emergency Management Agency and Operation Hope released an updated tool to support emergency preparedness. The Emergency Financial First Aid Kit (EFFAK) is a flexible tool to help individuals and families at all income levels collect and secure for themselves critical documents and information. With recommendations for household information, financial and legal documentation, medical information, and household contacts, the EFFAK provides a structured approach for safeguarding the documentation needed to start the recovery process. The EFFAK includes a fillable form for families to track their documentation on-line.
A FEMA survey conducted in 2011 showed that less than 35
percent of Americans report having copies of their vital records stored
as part of their preparedness kit, but when survivors of Hurricane Sandy were asked what they wished they had known, what possessions they had, or what actions they should have taken before the storm, one of the top five items mentioned was collecting and safely storing important personal documents. Use the EFFAK to help organize your documents and be more prepared.
The revised EFFAK is available at and at